Sunday, November 6, 2011

reflection on oral presentation

It is safe to say that all of us have done at least one school/class oral presentation in our lifetime. I knew I was a relatively good oral presenter- if I prepared for it. I think I have a confident and loud voice, putting my points across and making my presence felt.

Upon a scale of ten, I would rate my preparations for this oral presentation an eight. A good oral presentation starts with preparation of the visual aid/ power point slides. For a start, I wrote out a presentation speech/ script and proofread it to evaluate if the order of my presentation flowed in the correct direction. I adjusted my power point slide points accordingly after finalizing the order of points to present. Hence if I were to forget what to say next, the points will ensure I present in the correct order. I practiced my part about 5 times before the actual presentation,each time refining my speech here and there.

On the actual day, I felt prepared. As with all formal presentation, leather shoes, formal pants and a long sleeve shirt is a must- gets you in the mood too.

Strengths of presentation:

1) Tone and volume of voice was appropriate
2) I explained most of the points clearly and effectively as planned
3) I did not think I stumbled on my words while presenting
4) My hand gestures were minimal, only using them to point out pictures or to illustrate a point
5) I kept to my planned script as prepared.

Weaknesses of presentation:
1) Probably alittle stiff with my upper body
2) Not good eye contact
3) Words may not be very clear
4) I felt that I took too long to explain each point I had to make, thus allowing the audience to lose focus
5) I think I did not smile enough, but then again, it was a serious presentation (NUS campus safety involved)


Immediately after the presentation, I felt I did okay. Not fantastic, but probably what I expected of myself. All in all, I felt I had a decent presentation, as I managed to convey my points across efficiently and effectively.


  1. Hey Lance, here's my comments!

    -Very confident
    -Well-paced, did not rush through your words. Like you mentioned, you did not stumbled or stuttered.
    - Clear in explanation (also as you have mentioned)

    -Hmm, maybe you felt that your tone was appropriate, but it made it come across as you were not very enthusiastic about your proposal.
    -As for Q&A, I felt that maybe you could have given your teammates more opportunities to answer the questions?

    Anyhow, sorry for bombarding your team with so many questions.

  2. Hi Lance,

    I really appreciate your confidence since the mock job interview. You have showed a confident Lance again! Your part is well organized and well controlled.

    I paid attention to your eye contact, unfortunately you only gave your eye contact to me once or twice. In the Q&A session, it is good to have a basic argument to support all your answers. However, it gives me a sense that you have overused that argument.

    It is still a good presentation anyway.

  3. Hey Lance, I thought Michael has a very good point when he mentioned that you overused an argument. I have a feeling that he might be refering to the 'student-centric' phrase. You used it very often to answer many of our questions. In my opinion, it's not very wise to do so because if you have the answer to most of the questions, it probably means that you might not have answered or fully convinced us of your point. You might wish to answer in a different manner or elaborate using different examples.

  4. Sorry, I meant the 'same' answer to most of the questions

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Hi Lance,

    Here are my comments on your presentation:

    - Well prepared
    - Minimal stuttering
    - Good delivery
    - Good time management

    - Hard to establish eye contact with you as some of your slides needed quite a bit of reading
    - Q&A fallback on 'student-centric'
    - Could have done more with tone

    With regards to smiling, you did smile during the Q&A session while taking questions, so no complaints about lack of smiles from me :)
